Thursday, January 4, 2018

Inspirations Digital



A Solo ADS is when you pay another person to e-mail your ad to their e-mail list in the same niche. You can build a very big and profitable list by using solo ads. If you want to build a big list in the shortest possible time then solo ads is the way to go. You will need the following tools and resources to build your list with solo ads:

1. Lead Magnet
You are going to want to give away a quality free gift. This will entice more people to opt-in to your list. With so many people competing for opt-ins you will have to make it a quality free gift.

2. Squeeze Page
This is where you are going to send your prospects. Your squeeze page must look professional and have a catchy headline and good copy.

3. Solo ADS Copy
This is what people will mail out to their lists, so it has to be very well written. It might be worth to pay a copywriter to write you an e-mail, since you will be using it multiple times. If this e-mail isn’t well written you might as well leave it.

4. Solo ADS Provider
You need someone you can trust with a good responsive list. There are a LOT of bad solo ad providers and scams out there. Look for someone who is also an internet marketer, not someone who only sells solo ads. You can find good providers at and Sign up to the provider you are thinking of using. This way you can see what mails he sends out and if they are quality or just quantity orientated.

You should also have an auto responder in place, like Aweber or Getresponse. This way you can have a bunch of mails that will fire off in sequence after people opt-in. You want to give them quality and helpful content in these mails, but don’t forget the whole objective is to SELL them products. The money is in the list and you should love your list.

Every know and then there will be a big product launch in your niche. This is when you want to send out a broadcast mail to your list. These broadcast mails can be very profitable, especially if you pick your offers wisely.

Once you find a good solo ad provider and they send your mail out, you should see the leads coming in. Solo ads is the best way in my opinion to get a lot of targeted traffic for a reasonable price. If you have a good solo ad provider, good squeeze page and good follow up e-mails you will see a good return on your investment. The best thing to do is just get started, nothing is going to happen if you do nothing. Over time you can perfect your strategy to get traffic with solo ads.

Inspirations Digital

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