For those who have just learned about how a site can be accessed, or want to try to get to know the ins and outs of blogs will definitely hear the term localhost. In addition to the domain and webhosting, the term and understanding of localhost also need to be known by a bloger. Especially for those who want to use the platform CMS to create a blog.Atau want to innovate by creating a blog template wp own.
Localhost is how we make our computer can run scripts or web programming code, which is usually done by a web server located in the ISP datacenter. Before a site can be accessed by the browser, PHP script command commands will be processed by a web server before appearing intact in front of us. Web server itself comes with a database to store and process data user data, such as password member, or other data data such as posts and contents User comments etc. run by MYSQL on dynamic sites. Localhost is usually used by a web developer, in developing a dynamic website that requires a MySQL database. Before all the files that build a site are uploaded into the web server, the web developer will test it first on a local server (localhost). So at the time will be uploaded , All the features built by the programming script are all working fine. Sites that are still tested on localhost exactly the same as the sites that are on the internet generally. Both can also be seen after accessed through a web browser. The difference, the site is still located on localhost can only be seen on the developer's computer browser only.
A blogger like us sometimes also need a localhost server dikomputer.Jika a blogger like to test wordpress based templates, will usually use the software to create localhost dikomputernya. It could be directly edit PHP script directly through cpanel hosting, but this may be many obstacles such as internet connection problems. By using localhost to edit or test the script, it will be faster because it does not access data that is on serverweb through internet network. In addition, if any errors will not interfere with the stability of our real site. In order for our computer can be used as localhost to run web programming script, then we must install software to create localhost. The program on Localhost consists of 3 integrated applications into one in order to work to run a dynamic site based on CMS PHP MYSQL, namely: PHP Application (php (dot) net), this is absolutely necessary, because most CMS uses PHP language. Apache web server (application from apache (dot) org), application to run PHP web programming scripts. MYSQL Database (application from mysql (dot) net), for a dynamic site, it needs a database as a place to store user data. MYSQL is a useful system for running webserver database.
Many types can be used to build localhost, such as XAMPP, WAMP, Appserv and etc. With the application in making localhost will facilitate us in management of various things, ranging from offline blog installation and etc.