Monday, January 2, 2017

Inspirations Digital


Often hear or read the word web or website? But there are some of us know what the web or website is.

Website or website is a page displayed on the internet that contains certain information. The Internet that can display its web, while the web is the display of the composition of the pages using web technology and interconnected with each other or a collection of pages consisting of several pages containing information in digital form, be it text, images, Animation provided through the internet so that it can be accessed from all over the world.

Website pages are usually documents written in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) format, which can be accessed via HTTP, HTTP is a protocol that conveys various information from a website server to be displayed to users or users via a web browser.

A website that has a page that does not change. Which means is to make a change on a page can only be done manually yitu by editing the codes that become the structure of the website itself. A website that is structurally intended to update as often as possible. Usually in addition to where the main can be accessed by users (users) in general, has also provided a backend page that is to edit the content of the website. Examples of dynamic websites such as web news in which there is news facilities, etc. 

A website that is indeed at this time is famous. Examples are interactive websites such as forums and blogs. On this website users can interact and also argue about what they think.

Website Benefits
The benefits of the website usually some people have a reason to create the web itself, including:
  1. Expanding the reach of promotion something, by having a website then our products can be known by the public especially internet users.
  2. Can be a media without limit, because the internet is a media information without limit. By having a website we mean the same as having employees who promote our products for 24 hours. Which means where our website will provide an information to prospective customers for 24 hours.
  3. Broad promotion, the internet is the largest media campaign in the world when viewed from the reach of the area.
  4. Media introduction of the company, If we have a company will be easier to introduce our company through the website, because reach wide internet and its users a lot, so our company will be known by the public so that it can bring potential customers by way of product promotion through website. 
  5. And others.

Inspirations Digital

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